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HealthStat for DHB population and public health

HealthStat is already used for national Public Health Surveillance (for influenza like illness and gastroenteritis) monitoring 1.7 million patients every week. HealthStat can offer DHBs:

  1. DHB level public health surveillance
  2. Real-time population health needs assessment, e.g. CVD / diabetes
  3. Contract monitoring, saving practice and PHO administration costs
  4. On analytical processing of primary care data (OLAP)

HealthStat collects data from practices every week, with the option for daily monitoring if required. HealthStat has full GIS capabilities (using ESRI / SAS architectures). HealthStat can provide an early warning system through the use of CDC EARS software.

In addition to the indicators from the PHO Performance Programme, HealthStat provides an expanded range of quality indicators including cardiovascular disease and diabetes, infectious diseases, and dedicated mental health indicators.

HealthStat data is only provided to DHBs with permission of practices. If a DHB uses HealthStat they can see a customisable DHB population snapshot showing the pooled data for all practices.

Here is the 2010 ILI incidence rate graph. Infectious diseases are currently tracked weekly, providing data for service delivery and workforce planning:

Bar and line plot of Day